Financial Professionals:

Increase Your Income 20% by Protecting Your Clients' Income Too.

You can’t put a price on peace of mind, but as someone who cares about the health and well-being of your clients, you can guide them to make better informed decisions on how to protect their income through Disability Insurance (DI). See how disability income protection insurance makes sense for your clients.

Strengthen Your Practice

Stand Out from the Crowd

Disability Insurance is complex, and very few agents work with income protection. But once you understand the system, know how it works and how you can protect your clients’ most valuable financial asset, you’ll want to offer DI coverage to all your current and prospective clients. You’ll not only help your clients at a deeper level by adding a vital protection they need, but also build trust and credibility, and increase your cash flow by 20% this year.

Strategic Benefit Coach 4 DI is uniquely qualified to help you comprehend and effectively navigate the disability insurance system. Principal and Founder Greg Nelson brings 30 years’ experience in the financial services industry and over 20 years as a disability insurance specialist. He’ll work with you and bring you up to speed on everything you need to know to integrate DI into your practice and give you that important competitive edge. He also can provide this specialized service for you with plans that focus on risk management, low costs and tax efficiency, combined with personalized financial advice. Greg puts you and your client’s interests first and makes sure you get it right for your clients and your portfolio.

Call today to schedule a consultation to learn how we can help you protect your client’s income and your financial plan. 

What is Disability Insurance?

Our short video defines in simple terms what Disability Insurance (DI) is, why every employee should consider having DI coverage to protect their ability to earn income and raises basic questions financial professionals should be prepared to answer when their clients call for help.

About Us

We Simplify the Income Protection process

Our Mission

Our mission is to build lasting client relationships based on a level of trust that is earned through wise counsel, positive results, clear and candid communication, and service that exceeds expectations. We’re committed to providing the type of assistance you need to help you become a disability specialist or we can become your disability specialist for your clients, putting you and your client’s best interests first.

Our Experience

Generally, most advisors do a great job of putting together a financial plan to meet their clients’ goals, even in the case of death or retirement. But many don’t talk to their clients about how their plan would continue if they can’t work and their income drops or stops altogether. Strategic Benefits Coach is an independent insurance agency specializing in protecting all your client’s income streams. Our associates, located across the US, provide us with a unique perspective of the Disability Insurance landscape allowing us to provide depth, and a broad scope of knowledge and insight into this industry which benefits our clients.

The Three "E's" of Our Process


Evaluate your client's unique position by listening and asking the right questions.


Educate them on policy options and review key points to make sure they understand.


Empower clients to be able to make the best choice for themselves, to see beyond "what's hot" right now.

Our Partners

Companies We Work With

We are very selective with our carriers and only offer the best options.

WOW Your Prospect

Increase Your Sales Closings and Create A “WOW” Impression with Clients

Imagine sending potential prospects and existing clients an impressive Online Virtual Desktop within minutes of speaking with them the first time on the phone. This online site is fully customizable with a personal URL for every prospect. You customize what appears on your site, including a video of an actual client that has experienced the power of having Disability Income Protection in place when it was needed most, a copy of a published book on DI, your choice of free reports, audio testimonials, and more. Select the options that are most important for you and your clients and send them their customized site to establish an emotional buy-in before you meet.

This easy-to-use service called, “Wow my Prospects” allows you to have a conversation targeted on the specific needs of your prospects and your current clients. This tool is more effective than sending an email with brochures attached, or brochures by snail mail, and you’ll save hundreds of dollars in printing and mailing costs. This is a proven selling tool that you can use with exceptional results.

Read Our Book

The Forgotten Insurance

Read and review the income-protection book, The Forgotten Insurance, trusted by training professionals and used by institutions as teaching material across the country.

Reader Reviews


What People Are Saying

About Greg Nelson, ChFC, CEBS

Greg Nelson


When Greg Nelson talks about the pain and trauma caused by an unexpected illness or accident, he speaks from personal experience learning first-hand how important disability insurance was to protecting the income of his personal assistant when she was battling cancer. As a Group Benefits Disability Specialist Greg knows disability insurance can mean the difference between your clients maintaining their way of life so they can focus on their recovery or facing insurmountable debt that accompanies the worry and stress of a life-changing episode.

Greg can help you help your clients know how and where to turn to when the unexpected happens.

Greg is the principal and founder of Strategic Benefit Coach 4 DI, devoted exclusively to helping financial professionals, agents and brokers protect their clients’ most valuable financial asset: Income.

He is a Chartered Financial Consultant (ChFC), a Certified Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBS) and Disability Income Fellow (DIF), Group Benefits Disability Specialist (GBDS) among other professional designations he has earned. His credentials demonstrate his strong commitment to staying informed and up to date on how DI programs are structured, managed and financed.

Greg is a former president of the International DI Society (IDIS) and is currently serving as a board member for IDIS, an Association devoted strictly to Disability Insurance.

He is a current qualifying member of MDRT and has written a best-selling book on Amazon, “The Forgotten Insurance,” used by many agents and by some insurance companies for their agent training on Disability Insurance.

Greg is an accomplished speaker on the intricacies of Disability Insurance and makes presentations and offers Continuing Education seminars on various insurance topics to agencies and several professional associations nationwide.

A native of Utah, Greg enjoys chess, piano, and spending time with his family. He graduated Cum Laude from Weber State University in Ogden, Utah, with a BA in Psychology, Political Science, and Communications, with Spanish speaking ability.